Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Today was awesome!

All of the utter chaos aside, we had a blast today.  My beloved and I took our little kiddos to Williamsburg.  Though we were not there long, we had a great time, took many pictures, and returned home exhausted, and fulfilled. 

Part of the trip home was a ride on the ferry.  Even though my darling daughter was sound asleep, I had to wake her up and take her out on the bow.  The river waves were high, and the seagulls were persistent.  There was a cool breezed blowing across the bow causing my darling daughters hair to dance carefree in the wind.  She gazed out upon what must have seemed an endless expanse of water and there was a moment that she had a look in her eyes.  This look can only be placed by those that love the sea.  She looked out with respectful wonder, and excitement.  Normally an excited ‘talker’ she calmly pointed and exclaimed at all that she was seeing, reserving her moments of excitement for when a seagull would wander too close.  She hugged me tightly as we stood silently for a few moments, the sound of the ferry churning behind, and the waves breaking below.  She gave me a kiss on my bearded cheek and looked at me with a smile. 

It was heartbreaking to have to take her back to the van and buckle her in as we neared the dock.  She was not happy with this, but I assured her that we would return, and this seemed to calm her a bit. Above all else that we experienced today, this little 10 min ferry ride will stick with me… forever.

I am sure that my beloved will post some pictures as a way of occupying herself during the upcoming surgery for Z…. so I will wait to reblog, and leave you all in some state of anticipation.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and we are doing all that we can to have a busy and fun time.