Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Tonight was hard….

We have a bit of a routine here in the craniodad home.  My beloved does bath time while I clean up, take out the trash, and do the dishes.  Once that is done, I take my darling daughter, read a story or five, pray with her, and then sing her to sleep.

Due to the surgery tomorrow, this was a family affair.  We read two stories, of my darling daughters choosing, and I think she was out to break my heart.  The first was a children’s rendition of psalm 91, speaking of leaning on God, and knowing that all will be okay.  The second, and this was the tough one, was “The Crippled Lamb” by Max Lucado.  For those of you that do not know this story; it is the story of a lamb that was born ‘different’, with a crippled leg making him slow.  He has a friend that is a cow and she constantly reminds the little lamb that God has a purpose for everyone.  This lamb was not able to go out to a new field and was being made fun of by the other sheep that were able to go.  So, he and his cow friend hunker down in a stable for the night.  This just happens to be the night that Jesus was born, and the sweet little lamb had a place to be one of the first to meet Jesus.  Needless to say, heart breaking.

We then had family prayer time.  My beloved started and was awesome.  When it came time for me… I have never been so choked up with tears during a prayer.  All along my darling daughter was humming, laughing a little, saying ‘dada” followed by what I have gathered is her way of saying “I love you” (the intonation is correct, but she is still struggling to speak), and her rubbing my arm, and playing with my beard.

We are now 6 hours out from the alarms going off.  I do not know if I will get any sleep, doubt that I will even try.  I will ask this plea again tomorrow as the procedure begins, but if all of you would take some time tonight, and especially tomorrow, and pray, send happy thoughts, light a candle, meditate, think about, or whatever your particular faith (or faithless) practice may be… that my sweet, darling, happy, amazing, strong baby girl makes it through the procedure tomorrow, that the hands of the surgeons are guided and exact, that the doctors and nurses are given peace and patience during the long ordeal, that my beloved bride can rind some rest and strength, and that I can hold it together… it would mean the world to me. 

I will be sending updates as things progress, as I have come all to accustom to. 

Please pray for my daughter

I am way to scared, and tearing up again, so I should stop.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and where did the day go?