Tuesday is TOASTMASTERS night....

Here is the very rough version of the speech that I am giving tonight for my 9th speech out of the CC manual…. Enjoy, Comment, Think

I AM A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and it is interesting what I can come up with to speak about in 30 min.

It seems that with all that is going on in the United States as of late that there are many times that we are bordering on the verge of becoming misanthropic.  I think that the hardest pill that we have to swallow is attempting the impossible, being optimistic.  I know, I know, there are those of you in this very room that would contest that you ARE an optimist.    You would be able to stand amidst the sea of millions that would all be… wrong.   I am not talking about just being optimistic about today, your job, your home.  I am talking MUCH bigger.  Your community, our state, our nation.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Our forefathers penned these words in 1787, 225 years ago YESTERDAY. 225 years ago, The United States was a fledgling separatist continent of people that were fed up with the monarchy,  exhausting 25,000 lives, leaving the same number wounded, and changing the lives of the 2 and a half million living there, and all of those that would come, forever.  Makes you kind of rethink what the entire 1% talk SHOULD really be about, right? Did you know that during the revolutionary war 85% of all eligible people had some active part in the war that granted us the opportunity to even have a constitution, for us to be called the United States?  This number towers over the minuscule 12% (at best) today. As a model of cooperative statesmanship our forefathers did their best through debate and discussion to leave behind the structure that remains intact today.  The structure upon which most of what the 313 and a half million living here today still benefit from.  But there seems to be something wrong.  What these people fought for, died for, risked everything for, stood up for and screamed in the face of the monarchy that they were not going to take it anymore; seems to have lost its luster.  These ideals that I hold close and dear to my heart, for some are mere more than a dusty mantel piece shrouded in worry, fear and disgust.

With all of the bickering, worry, fear, and hate that seem to be flooding our news I would not blame any of you for feeling down.  But, here is the problem.  As we, as individuals, continually lose sight of some very important things, we become complacent.  It is through this compliancy that we start to care less and less, seeing all the bad as the end of it all.  Feeling that there is little change that can be done to fix anything.  Thinking that with this election that is coming up that there is nothing that can be done, and that your opinion does not make a difference.  Then you start to lose grip on the ideals that this country was founded on.  On the core values that makes us the United States.  Patriotism follows suit and what is left.  Not much.  Then there are people like I, and countless other before me, have risked our lives to provide the blanket of security that you still bitterly sleep under every night.  Being willing and able to become part of the 2.4 million that gave it ALL. 

FDR gave a speech in 1941 in which he broke down all of the freedoms that we have into four fundamental freedoms that “Everyone in the world” should enjoy.  Freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.  Taking to heart that no other county has a constitution like ours should empower you as an American citizen, should bring pride into your heart.  Regardless of some of the things that seem to be going on, there are a few things that ring true.  We all still have these freedoms, if we want to see change, we can make it happen.  I do not think that the actual word should be can… I think should is much more descriptive.  With so many things falling by the wayside, we should be gravitating towards things that allow us to expressively and justly use our freedoms. 

“But I am just one person” you cry out against this.  In part, you are right.  You are an individual. You have your own path that you choose to walk.  Good job.  But we are called the UNITED States for many reasons.  Least of all is that we are a collective, a throng of bodies that move with the ebb and flow OF THE PEOPLE.  We are not subject to the rule and command of one.  Each and every one of us has the ability to let our voices be heard.  If you believe strong enough and deep enough that you would be willing to do what others have done in the past, to be willing to lay down your life to support and defend the constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC; that we would bare true faith and allegiance to the same. If this is the case, then you should be willing to speak louder.  Your voice could reach the ears of another, spark something.  Then next thing you know your singular voice has become two.  As this continues to grow, if it is real and good, then before you know it your 2 could become thousands, tens of thousands, who knows.  Then, simply by using your constitutional right to speak freely you could change your community, your state, your nation.  This is democracy, this is where we live. 

Are things great and easy right now? NO!!! But think of a couple of things… has anyone ever been promised that every day would be easy? Did a leprechaun climb off his unicorn to whisper in your ear that rainbows would always fill a sky of butterflies and cool breeze?  I know I have never been promised such a thing.  The other thing is to consider that we, even in these times, have certain inalienable rights that are granted to us JUST BECAUSE WE LIVE HERE.  Close your eyes for a moment, just a moment and try to think about what life would be like without the rights that you have today.

Freedom of Speech, Right to bear arms, protection from quartering of troops, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, due process, rights of the accused, civil trial by jury, prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, protection of rights not enumerated in the constitution, powers of states and people, not to mention the OTHER 13 amendments that have been added since the bill of rights was penned.

These rights are not just for our protection, but they give us the methods to be the gentle wind of true change that becomes a hurricane.  So, unfurl your flags that are in your closet, and stand proud my fellow Americans.  Become the change that we keep hearing about and keep America… America. Get out there and do SOMETHING, vote, run for office, get signatures, enlist, be a voice. DO  Something that preserves these rights, the ones that that we ALL take for granted. Preserve them for the future generations of Americans that WILL come.  For if we do not stand up and fight for what we believe in, if we get caught up in all of the “bad news” that is a small blip across the scope of time, then the change that we will get will be EXACTLY what we feel the awesomeness of being an American is worth… nothing.


What is it like...


An Update from Zoey: 1 Month