Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Unlocked Doors - part 1 - Introduction

The other day I was taking a break and the topic of teaching a class on what it takes to be a man, by my definition. As whimsical as it may sound, the comment sparked an idea. That idea has launched into this speech and will hopefully continue to become something more.

I remember a time when things just seemed better. It was safer to be outside, kids could be out running around and there was less to worry about, doors in the city’s that I have lived in were left unlocked. So much has changed in the world over the past few years. Depression, recession, crime rates and so much more seems to be flooding the news every night. What has happened to the warm blanket of security that we have had the privilege to sleep under every night?

FAMILY is what has happened. Now, I am not here to talk about traditional, non-taditional, or any of the other pats of what a family is, could be, was, or is not. One, narrow spectrum is what I want to focus on. This focus is drawing back to what I spoke about with my last speech, what I complain, preach, rant and rave about. What it takes to be a MAN who is a FATHER, verses a boy to be a dad. Though it is not this clean and simple I feel that there are three main differences in the MEN who were our fathers, or our grand fathers and many of the boys that are dads today. Sacrifice, Dedication, and Honor. If many of the boys that are out there would have a better understanding of what these things are, then we would see a FAMILY come back into the picture again.