Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Unlocked Doors - part 3 - Dedication

Dedication has many different meanings. There is something to be said about the man that devotes their time and energy into the welfare of their home. In fact, dedication means to devote wholly and earnestly. This means that just making sure that the check is in the mail is NOT enough. Dedication means more than money, or a bit of time. Being a father, a husband, a boyfriend, should consume you. There are already days that I go home, exhausted from the day at the office, feet dragging, shoulders heavy. But the moment that I open the door, I am making dinner for my wife, asking about her day, listening, communicating. I know that in the days to come, that when I come home, tired, stressed and ready to relax, that is when my role of a father will begin. Taking care of our daughter, and God willing one day more children, and giving my wife a chance to take a break, relax, recharge and enjoy being a mother. Looking back, if a man is willing to sacrifice then he is showing dedication. Not just to his spouse, but to his children.