Wait.... how many days are left?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Just a quick note while home for my second day in a row (this cold is no joke)… thanks to a post from teaddybeardaddy I decided to ask my amazing wife how many days we have left until our little one is due…….. 86! Somehow we completely missed the 100 days left mark and flew 14 days more!  So, as I lay on the couch, certainly sure that this cold is trying to kill me, I am feeling the panic set in… yet again… need to get healthy, get back to work and finish the nursery as well.  I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and with 86 days left even when I am sick on the couch I can freak out…..arghhhhhhh!




Unlocked Doors - part 5 - Conclusion