Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Well, it has happened again...

For those of you that have been following me for awhile, this will see like some horrible version of Deja vu. However, due to the regimen of medications that my darling daughter has been on since her surgery, as well as her changing diet, she has had issues for the last three days using the restroom.

There is nothing fun, glorious or insightful in having to pin your 2yr old daughter down and administer an enema, nothing.

There is a fierce struggle in being a craniodad, the constant drive to do all that we can to make our little ones feel better, to take what little pain away that we can, and to be there for all of the pain and discomfort that we cannot get rid of. However, having to inflict some strange level of discomfort, in a region that already hurts, and still be the giant teddy bear that she needs… is heartbreaking.

I guess that the good news is that depending on how she is doing tomorrow we may be going back to church! Then again, if there is not a full diaper sometime in the near future, I will be spending the morning at home, repeating the process, and hoping that we do not need to make a trip to the ER.

I am almost done with my longer post going through the whole surgery, as well as recover to this point. I should have it coming out soon.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and her cries are heartbreaking.