Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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We’re Knights of the Round Table...

Need some help getting the word out? So much to learn at #dad2summit

The room was set and the instructions were given. “Every 20 minutes you can change tables, move on to the next, meet someone new”. With that, the conversations started, introductions were made, and lives were changed.

No, this is not some version of speed dating. We have numerous roundtable discussions across a wide variety of topics.  I attended as many as time would allow, and garnered so much information it is a bit silly. The biggest push that I received was in the area of podcasting. I have all the equipment that I need, I have tried to record a few, but it never ends well. What I was given was the motivation to hit publish.  I have a better understanding of how to approach the fact that this is something new.  Like many things it is organic, and it will grow into something better. I also have a ton of contacts that are more than willing to help me with any of the hurdles that I will come across.

The ability to learn from some of the best when it comes to marketing, writing, podcasting, and content is something that you cannot put a price on. So many changes, and I want to do them all.  But, having the peace of mind of direction, the knowledge that it will be ok, and the contacts to help me if and when I get into a rough spot will help keep me on track, and on a steady pace of change.

And just think, ultimately, you, my dear readers, are the ones who will benefit the most!

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and I want to give you all the content!