Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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Family of Six

What an epic ride these last few days have been. Home, and we are all adjusting. It is crazy to remember what feels like yesterday when we brought Zoey home. Now, six years later we are a family of six.This is his first sleep in the cradel my dad made for Zoey.The same one that David slept in. And Jacob as well.There is now only one open seat in our van. Nestled in the back.We now have two walkers, and two riders in the stroller.In the coming days we will need to start using the other side of our dining room table.All these changes, and countless more are ahead. One change was instant though. The love in this home. Epanded beyond the reaches of the universe, instantly.For now, I have to figure out how to keep the older three quiet so the youngest one can nap. Hushed #DadVoice activated. Sigh. (at Chestnut Hill, Virginia)