Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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What does it mean to be a dad?

This subtle, deceivingquestion is what I posed to myself when I started on this journey. In the lasttwo or three years it is quite possible that I have been presented with morequestions than answers to this one.  Iwould like to take some time and try to enlighten you with my thoughts on thematter.  I also would like to ask youother dad’s out there to answer the same question.  You may be surprised with your answer, andhow it may be like or very much dislike others out there.  As I am always rather long-winded, andattempt virtuous feats of prolific and heartfelt writing I am certain that thiswill be a few posts long.  How long? Iguess time will tell.

The posts will be forthcoming;it is ever so nice to finally have a queue of posts again.  So, keep an open mind, and your eyes peeledfor what may be some marvelously heartfelt writing, or perhaps utter malarkey, fromthis dad… to you all.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I amscared out of my mind, and here comes yet another series presented by me… sigh.