Where to begin...

Men.  Not boys, not children, but men.  There is something that happens, or at least it should, in all men when they hear the words that I have been saying to myself in a constant state of disbelief.  Over and over again, my mantra has become “I’m going to be a dad”.  It is in this understanding that there is, and should be, fear, joy, excitement, compassion, concern, abounding happiness….. and did I mention fear.  It seems to me that there should be a reasonable amount of fear in the idea that in 9 months (give or take) there is going to be a little life, a beating heart, open eyes, a child, that is dependent on me.  That sees all that I do, and takes it in.  There should be some fear, and as a man I have no problem admitting that it is there in full force, in the fact that I am not all that sure how to be the best dad that I can be.  But, the fact that this fear is there is why I am going to give this a shot.  Here I hope to collect all the fear, joys, excitement, and other emotions that I will be going through for all the men to read.  Oh, I should make a mention to my amazing and beautiful wife and her tumblr “Waiting for Rufus”.  Remember, it takes a man to stand up and say in a deep and strong voice, I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, and it scares the crap out of me.


Be proud, be strong, be afraid... very afraid