Zoey has a sinus infection

For the last two weeks she has been dealing with it.  We have been at the stage for the last few days that she may have a bit of a runny nose during the day, but all is well.  Then, about an hour after we (my beloved and I) either go to bed… or should have gone to bed, the coughing starts.

What follows is a cycle that all to many parents know to well.  Little one coughs herself awake (because you can even tell by the sound that it hurts), comes in to where we are, wants to be comforted, falls back asleep, starts coughing 20 min later.

Needless to say, my fitbit has been telling me that I am averaging about 2.25 hours of sleep over the last three days.  It is awesome.  Due to this, I did not get my ride in today.  I will be riding for a long time tomorrow.  Mostly out of concern as Zoey also has an appointment with her Ophthalmologist (maybe getting a surgery date?) on Monday that I cannot attend.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared  out of my mind and I was less tired in Baghdad.

Zoey has a sinus infection was originally published on Cranio Dad


Should call it a night....


Weekends use to be