The Life Not Missed

It has been some time since I have sat and contemplated what I wanted to write. I have been busy, with life. Some would think that I would have picked this back up a year and a half ago, when the pandemic started. Instead, I was enthralled with changes at work, expanding staff, and the responsibility to match, but not the promotion. I was watching my kids grow up, becoming older versions of themselves and wiser than they should be. I watched with the masses as the drama of the world seemed to unfold on our screens, and through the angry, tired eyes of a scarred veteran with a bleeding heart. I watched my gaming community grow, then shrink, then grow again, in a constant ebb and flow, completely in sync with my love for whatever game I played. I also tried to find the good in things.

That last one. It was not easy. It is also not done.

But, life is calming down, a lot of things have happened. But through it all, we are still here. We find ourselves in a world that we could not have imagined when I last updated. Sure, there is still stuff going on. But, we are here.

I have missed writing. I have missed reading. But I have not missed life.

So, here we are.

But let us appreciate it more, by looking at where we have been. Try to remove the lens of present knowledge, hindsight not allowed. Venture down paths already trodden, and left behind. Peer into the darkness, and the light, only to find ourselves back here, in the present, and moving forward. In some ways, it is a cheat to know that we have made it through all that has happened. But, dear readers, those of you that know me KNOW that I will not let that fact tarnish the stories.

Over the coming days and week I will be doing my best to post updates. Things that have happened of important note, good and bad.


It is time…


Echoes Fall