11 week update!

Just thought that I would mention that my child that my wife is carrying is the size of a kumquat!  How awesome is that?  These 11 weeks have flown by, making us now MORE THAN a quarter of the way through (27.5%).  We have our first baby appointment in a few weeks, and I know that the anticipation is beginning to rise with each passing day.  But, that will be tabled for a later post.  For now, I want to talk about my beautiful, amazing, incredible and awesome wife. I am watching my wife work through yet another change in her life as she is no longer working.  She has no idea how proud of her I already am, and how that continues to grow with each new step that she takes though this transition.  Yes, she is going to be a stay-at-home mom.  This is something that she is has wanted to do for most of her life.  But, I know it must be hard to feel your identity shift in such a way.  I know that she has a fear of losing part her identity (as noted in her recent blog…seriously people, check out her blog) and this is something that I cannot refute.  I just hope that she sees it the same way that I do.  As this part of her is shed, there is another part that is emerging that is far more magnificent and wonderful (insert butterfly analogy here… lol).  As funny as it is, and sometimes overused, it is completely true.  My wife, the beautiful and fiercely independent woman that I married, is becoming a mother.  I wish that she could see this through my eyes.  That she could see that it is her change and her process that gives me some strength to become the father that I hope to be.  That I can tell she is going to be an amazing mother.  I know that part of the fear that I have about becoming a father is not only being a father to my child, but in being a husband to the mother of my child.  Finding the energy to be able to go to work and then come home and relieve her, being able to take the helm on the weekends and giving her the time that she will deserve and need.  I know that this is all part of it, or at least I honestly hope it is and that I am not going crazy.  I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and being a good father also means being a good husband.


Finding peace in the storm


Kicking back and listening to the rain tonight…