14 days.... whhhhaaaattttt?

We got a little bit of a chance to sleep in today… much needed and long overdue.  There was just something more awesome about waking up and seeing the bassinet at the foot of our bed.  I sat there for  a little and just took it in.  Then we got ourselves together… the wife did something that I cannot recall her doing even before she was pregnant… she was ready to go in 10 min… from bed to door…. Now, I must say that my amazing bride is not one to take FOREVER getting ready, it was just awesome and impressive that as a woman who is as pregnant as she is, that she could do that.  Where were we going? To go watch my fellow toastmasters compete in the district competition.  Both of the speakers from our club did an amazing job… so well that they BOTH won.  Yeah, our club rocks!  Then it was off to work for a few hours.  I had to give some recipes to a good friend who had his last day, deliver some gumbo to a dear friend that was not there on Friday, and try to get ahead on my work for next week.  The operative word was try in that statement.  Some of the stuff that I needed, the data that I had to uses… was not populating.  What does that mean… Monday morning is going to suck.  I was able to get some of the stuff changed for the compliance changes for the first (which was the main reason I had to go in).  I would love to take pictures of some of the stuff that I do.. but thanks to HIPPA… probably not the best idea…. I will see what I can come up with.  Now, it is late and tomorrow is going to be full of getting homework done, going over the taxes, cleaning the house, perhaps taking our brilliant border collie for a much needed walk, and Lord knows what else.  Good night tumblrland.  (Oh… and I see that my queue is FINALLY catching up….lol…. perhaps I should do the picture-a-day thing to fill it up again).

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and as things come together… the reality sets in… an is surprisingly weightless on my shoulders.


13 Days... and my queue is caught up!


15 Days.... I cannot express