13 Days... and my queue is caught up!

Well, it is nice to see that my queue FINALLY caught up…lol.  Today was my first official day working in my new position.  I would like to say that I was over productive, accomplished all of my tasks, and exceeded the expectations of my superiors…. But… not so much.  I was able to get a lot done.  But not at much as I would have liked.  It was different not being n the call center today.  I do miss some of the folks over there… but my new location has provided me the ability to work in a more focused way.  We are nearly into single digits for this countdown.  My amazing wife spent the day mending stuff, and making wipes.  I love how creative she is.  I know that she is getting to the point that she is uncomfortable, but she is a trooper.  Well, tomorrow proves to be another day… tons more to get done at work.  Good Night Tumblrland.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and I am really getting into this tired groove early……. Awesome.


8 Days… Single Digits!!


14 days.... whhhhaaaattttt?