8 Days… Single Digits!!

It has been a long and crazy week.  In an attempt to catch up a bit….

Work is going well. There are so many things to get done, and that are getting done.  There has been a late night already, as well as a ton of stuff that we will call “homework”.  All-in-all, this transition was like the shot that I think I was in desperate need of…. Oh.. and who is teaching PHP to themselves?  Oh yeah… me.

We had our weekly appt and much to our surprise my amazing wife was dilated 2cm!  We are certain that it will be anytime now.  Still just coasting into this storm…. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep, perhaps it is my head being crammed full of stuff at work…. Who knows… I am just doing what I can to take this in stride.

Sorry that I have been so off this week…. Perhaps, just perhaps…. I can get back into things soon.

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and I suppose it is okay to suck at keeping up with things already………………..


7 Days…… and….. still waiting


13 Days... and my queue is caught up!