7 Days…… and….. still waiting

So, today was the first Saturday that I have not HAD to work in a long time.  This does not mean that it was a day filed of eating chocolates and watching TV, though I did spend some time thinking about neverland………….  Instead I cleaned the cars… even the Jeep, to get the amazing thick coat of yellow pollen that we have been graces with, took care of some shopping…. And finally figured out that we are going to try to fix the Jeep.  First step… was figuring out all that was wrong with it.  So… tomorrow I will be starting by replacing the head gasket.  Yep, that is right, on Easter… head under the hood… fixing the first of a few issues.  I also looked into replacing the exhaust and that looks like that will be will an upcoming weekend project.  Then… that will leave me with the suspension.  I think that that will be a bit of a get-together weekend with some beer and food…. A few friends… and a lift kit…. Yeahhhhh….

We ARE still waiting…. There are still some moments of pressure that she is feeling… but no contractions as of yet….. so.. today on silent Saturday… we have been waiting… and on Easter Sunday… we will still be waiting…. Or will we.  There is some religious irony with all of this wait at this time of year… lol.  Happy Passover to my Jewish brothers and sisters…. Happy Easter!

I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and I am still a greaser sometimes… and I cannot wait to show my daughter how to do this stuff.


6 days left…. REALLY need to get caught up on the photo-a-day thing


8 Days… Single Digits!!