A Much Overdue Update (Part 1)

So much has happened in the last few weeks. Now, having alittle bit of breathing room, I can write some updates.

First, and the source of much of our exhaustion, we are inthe middle of moving!  Now, it is not assimple as it may seem (then again, what move ever is). But it is veryunique.  My mother recently purchased atownhouse.  She was in desperate need ofdownsizing, and eliminating yardwork.Now, my beloved and I have been working towards fixing my credit andlooking to get out of apartment life.  Iunderstand that, for many, apartment life may be just what is needed, or theonly choice.  I, however, grew up outdoors.  

There were after dinner games of catch, or 500. We rode ourbikes until the streetlights came on then flew home, bikes collapsing into theyard, as we sprinted inside. We had neighbors that looked out for each other,and over the fence talks were a thing that happened.  We had a garden that was amazing and helpedfeed our large family.

Life was good.

Now, I know that things have changed in this world… and muchof it is not for the better for those that had similar childhoods, and want oneslike them for their children. The desire to get out of apartment life has beengrowing ever since we had our darling daughter.This desire was only intensified by the last apartment that we livedin.  How bad was it?

There is the understanding that this complex is the placethat many find themselves when they get knocked down and their only goal is toget out as fast as they can… or if you are an undocumented individual.  There was a large preponderance of ‘families’where the involvement of the parents was almost completely absent.  This was either by nature of the work thatthey were doing – trying to make ends meet to get out of the complex, or becausewe have a generation of people that just do not give a damn.  The largeness of the latter staggers me.  I was getting tired of making sure that ourcars were not vandalized. I was constantly worried about break ins. I was alwaysstressed about the ‘gang’ of kids that walked around and around the complexuntil 2 or 3 in the morning. I was continually perplexed with the common occurrenceof condoms, needles, beer bottles, and other paraphilia in the KIDS PLAYGROUND.The thinness of the walls let not only every sound, and step rattle through ourapartment, but smells as well. Being so low budget, the maintenance reflectedthat.  It is not that the maintenanceguys did not know what they were doing, but they were so taxed with fixingthings all the time that the delays were weeks. When reporting issues like “Thereis a mold like substance growing out of our AC ducts and it may be what ismaking my kiddos sick” they were met with “we will get to it when we can” for 3months. I could go on and on… but I need to find a happy place, so let’s moveon.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind… and more to come!


A Much Overdue Update (Part 2)


Church Thoughts