A Much Overdue Update (Part 2)

When the opportunity came up for us to move back into my mom’shome, we saw a chance.  So, a few weeksago I coordinated movers to pick up stuff that my mom and I had in a storagefacility, then come to our apartment and pick up stuff, then go to my mom’shouse and move our stuff in and pick up the rest of her stuff, then take itdown to her town home.  Yes… you may wantto read over that again, because it is THAT crazy.

For the last two weeks we have been unpacking.  I have also been working on getting the yardback to a maintainable level.  Unpackingis part of moving, and my beloved is doing an awesome job tackling it as muchas she can while taking care of our little ones.  AFTER moving in there have been some thingsthat have broken (my daughter took a baseball bat to one TV, a couple of glasstables… you know… the USUAL… right?).

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and more to come!


A Much Overdue Update (Part 3)


A Much Overdue Update (Part 1)