A Much Overdue Update (Part 3)

As for the yard…

I have been doing my best to keep up with it over the lastfew years.  This has entailed me goingover a few weekends a year and spending every waking moment trimming, cuttingback, weeding, ect. But, now that we live there, and I want my kiddos to beable to go outside as often as they can, my goal has been to get it to where Iwill not have to do these large sessions, and can just maintain.

Needless to say, there is a TON of overgrowth.  This weekend alone, I edged, ripped out a flowerbedthat had grass and weeks nearly three feet tall, trimmed the front hedges,started trimming the two behemoth hedges in the back yard…

Let me explain what I mean by behemoth.  There are two hedges that are usually foundaround our neighborhood.  When you lookaround they are between 3 and 4 feet high and maybe twice that wide…maybe.  The two in the back yard of thehouse are 10+ feet high and 20+ feet wide… it has been hell.  

I also sprayed for mosquitos and am working on a soil testfor seeing what I need to do to help the grass.All in all, 15.5 hours of sweaty, backbreaking work outside this weekend…and I am guessing that I am 1/3 of the way done towards getting the yard to a maintenancelevel.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and more to come


A Much Overdue Update (Part 4)


A Much Overdue Update (Part 2)