A Much Overdue Update (Part 4)

In hindsight, as my beloved brought up last night… perhaps weshould have taken before pictures so we can show off what all we have done, andwill be doing.  But here is thething.  My dad did an awesome job withour yard and garden as we were growing up.If one were to drive by his home now, you would think that he haslandscapers coming in and taking care of it… but he does not.  He and my amazing step-mom take care of it…and it looks beautiful… year round… in the mid-west. So, there is a large partof me that was embarrassed to have the guys come over for Dungeons and Dragonslast week… and they got there when it was mostly dark.  So, though before pictures would be awesometo compare too, I would prefer that evidence of the state that this yard was inwhen we took it over not be seen.  

So, as for what we are doing now.  We are leasing to own the home from mymom.  The goal is to buy the home in twoyears or less. We are going to be getting a killer deal on the house, it leavessome room for us to grow into, and 1/3 of an acre in a quiet neighborhood witha ~15min commute to work (if I leave on time).

I am sure that there will be countless updates, and picturesto come.

We are excited to be in a neighborhood where we know many ofthe neighbors, were over the fence conversations are a thing, where neighborslook out for each other, and I can go outside after work and play with mykiddos. Even with all the work that it has and will take to make it as awesomeas I want it to be.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and moving is fun.


Beloved is away at a retreat...


A Much Overdue Update (Part 3)