A Night at the Museum

Food + booze + Legos + museum after dark + Lego Master Builder = #dad2summit 

Bus after bus pulled up in front of the stoic, stone building. The line of men seemed endless as they were herded through the doors as the clouds danced in front of the moon. The cool air was no match for the excitement in the air. As they made their way through security, the sounds of deep voices echoed off the walls, Before them hung a beautiful glass sculpture representing the star spangled banner. Candle lit tables spaced throughout the dark atrium had Legos which were quickly turned into a myriad of designs.

Ever since I was three, I have LOVED Legos. So much that when some rather shady movers took some items when we moved halfway across the United States I was (and still am) devastated by the three gallon popcorn tin of Legos that went missing.

This event so lovingly called “A Night at the Museum” was stellar.  One of the first things that I did was take a look at the display of “The Star Spangled Banner”. Filled with patriotic pride, and flooded with many memories, I had to sit down to take it all in. I am still process what it was about this that made me so emotional, and that will be in a later post if an answer is ever found. Lego worked with the Smithsonian to give us access to The National Museum of American History.

We were enticed with food and drink (of course) and were able to create some amazing things to have on display in the museums SPARK lab. Having a Master Builder there to emcee and direct a few awesome games was a huge plus. Being able to walk through (most) of the museum without worrying about what my kids are doing (or touching) and being able to take it all in was amazing.  Being able to sit and talk with the Master Builder, and BUILD with him was mind blowing. The entire night was awesome, and an experience that I will remember.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and I cannot believe that I was able to meet and build with a Master Builder!




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