At the Playground

Girl about 6 years old: What's wrong with her? Her eyes are creepyMe: She's special. Nothing is wrong with her, she was just born a little different.Girl: Her eyes are creepy.Me: They aren't creepy. Why don't you say hello?Girl: (watches and seems to be cautiously absorbing this new information as Z runs past her)Boy: She is really fast!Me: Yes she is! (Notice D climbing stairs and watch him for a few minutes, then head back to monitor Z's interactions with the girl)Girl: (in a grimacing, tight-faced tone) Why did you bring her here?Me:(intentionally loud enough for the benefit of any nearby parents) She likes to play here just like you do! (again, I race away to make sure D is still in one piece at the other end of the playground)From across the playground I notice a man, presumably her father, speaking to the girl. A few more minutes pass before I rejoin the girls, still playing within feet of each other.Girl: You know what? I think she's cute.Me: I think so tooEDIT: Thank you to my husband who realized the post format was completely messed up and for correcting it when he got home from work.


No Box For Me!


They have just taken my darling daughter back...