No Box For Me!


You simply cannot box me up

And make me just like you,
Cause on the spectrum’s where I’m at
And rainbows are my view!

I’m sorry if I don’t fit in
To what you feel is right,
Or maybe I am sorry that
Your world is not as bright!

At times I might seem bad to you
Like I am acting out,
But really, it’s my genius mind
Just dancing all about!

There’s so much stuff you do not see
But trust me, it is there,
And if you had a rainbow mind
These things we both could share!

I really am quite sad for you
Your world is black and white,
You see the same things everyday
Without the spectrum’s light!

This may explain why you get mad
For how I act and play,
You wish that you could see my view
If only for a day!

But since you do not have my mind
You want me to have yours,
The truth is that you can’t change me
For rainbows have no cures!

You simply cannot box me up
And make me just like you,
Get over it, you’re not like me
God only made a few!

© Copyright 2013 Amy Comstock


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