Building Legends & Casting Legacies

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At the Playground

Girl about 6 years old: What's wrong with her? Her eyes are creepyMe: She's special. Nothing is wrong with her, she was just born a little different.Girl: Her eyes are creepy.Me: They aren't creepy. Why don't you say hello?Girl: (watches and seems to be cautiously absorbing this new information as Z runs past her)Boy: She is really fast!Me: Yes she is! (Notice D climbing stairs and watch him for a few minutes, then head back to monitor Z's interactions with the girl)Girl: (in a grimacing, tight-faced tone) Why did you bring her here?Me:(intentionally loud enough for the benefit of any nearby parents) She likes to play here just like you do! (again, I race away to make sure D is still in one piece at the other end of the playground)From across the playground I notice a man, presumably her father, speaking to the girl. A few more minutes pass before I rejoin the girls, still playing within feet of each other.Girl: You know what? I think she's cute.Me: I think so tooEDIT: Thank you to my husband who realized the post format was completely messed up and for correcting it when he got home from work.