Checking in at the Dad 2.0 Summit

I will dispense with the drudging description pertaining tothe drive up the I-95 corridor to DC on the way to #dad2summit .  No matter what time of day or night you makethis drive, it is far from pleasant.  

Once I arrived at the hotel, I drew a deep breath and walkedin.  The opulence of the Mandarin OrientalHotel in Washington, DC is breathtaking.  Since I was earlier than they expected, myroom was not ready. Therefore, I walked around and waited. After a bit, I noticedthat there was a group of guys standing around a table. Thinking that there wasno time better than that moment to dive in, I started talking to them.  Dear readers, it is this moment that any fearthat was residing in me about my attendance at such an event was eradicated.

There was no socially polite nods as seen on Nat Geo whenobserving the typical American male. There was heartfelt handshakes, hugs, andstories shared.  There was deep laughterthat resonated the VERY vaulted ceilings of the lobby, percussing down the adjacenthalls.  As time passed, this fervor didnot lessen, but grew as more and more dads from across the country congregated inthe lobby… all waiting for our rooms.This set the tone for what was to come.Before we knew it, it was time to head out to the drone excursion puttogether by Best Buy.  Once we all loadedon the bus, and it started to pull away from the hotel, many of us looked atour phones… our rooms were now ready.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and this wasawesome!


Over the river and through the woods...


How has it been a week since arriving at #dad2summit ?