Here and now... to infinity and beyond

My wife mentioned, and commented on my last post, something that sparked an important idea.  She is absolutely right.  Here we are 7+ months out and I am blogging about disciplining our child while she is discussing how the organs are forming and that the baby can now kick.  It is showing the two great parts of this awesome marriage.  She is focused on the here and now, and I am thinking ahead.  Now, this is something that is not new to us, but it is an interesting dynamic.  I love hearing the little things that she finds about how big our baby is, and related to what fruit, vegetable, or berry.  I am fascinated that the little life that she has growing in her has completely dominated our lives and conversations.  I also relish in the fact that the awesomeness of all of this, the butterflies, the perm-a-grin, the new aisles of the stores we get to walk down, the talks, the thoughts, the fears, the excitement, are all ok.  It does take two to raise a child, and I am man enough to say that I am going through all of these things, and though I am scared out of my mind, I am enjoying the heck out of it.  Even more down the road, some day our child may be reading these blogs and seeing what interesting and perplexing things that we are going to go through, what thoughts we had, what scared us, but most importantly our child will know, because of all of this, that we love them very, very much.  That we have loved them from the moment that we found out that we were going to be parents.  And that all of the fear, stress, freaking out, ranting and raving (yes… mostly from me) is ok.  Why? Because you, our darling child, are worth it.  Just wanted to bring that up.  So, I again proclaim boastfully, I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, but my child is more than worth it…. 7+ months out.


Words of advice from another father


Spank, or not to spank... that is the question.