Midnight fear...

One would think that after a long and much needed vacation that there would be little to no issues with sleeping. However, that is not where I find myself tonight.  Here I am at 11 o’clock in the evening thinking about the stuff that I have going on, unable to find that switch to turn things off and get some sleep.  My beautiful wife is sound asleep next to me, and even my dog can be heard snoring from time to time… meanwhile, my mind races.  Perhaps it has something to do with the episodes of The Office that we watched tonight?  You know, the ones where Jim and Pam are having their baby… yeah, that ‘might’ have something to do with the flood of thoughts of my pending fatherhood.  Sure, there are thoughts about other things mixed in, and they are the ones that I can normally just drift off to sleep and know that I can deal with them come morning.  Things like, stuff going on at work, different jiu-jitsu moves from different positions (this is because I am finally going back to jiu-jitsu and training hard), the upcoming move, the upcoming birth of my niece… and then it is all baby, all the time.  Yes, I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, so much so that I am kept up at nights.


Kicking back and listening to the rain tonight…


It is the fear that will make you a good father………