The power is out, and the wind is blowing...

This continues to be an amazing weekend and as I lay here in bed, my wife drifting off to sleep again. I am left to ponder more about my pending fatherhood. I find that, as of late, I am taking a look at every situation that I find myself in and wonder what it would be like as a father. Not knowing if this is natural, I somewhat enjoy it, and am terrified by it. What would I do, visiting family when the weak remnants of hurricane Irene hit, rain, wind, more wind, BAM, loss of power. How would I prepare, would I do enough? So, where cuddling and laughter were a constant during the times of power outages, my wife is going back to sleep, and I am left to think. I AM GOING TO BE A DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and hurricanes use to be fun.


Our fathering footsteps.


... and the gray clouds loom overhead with the weight of the world above them