Though she be but little,
She be fierce.
I’m continue reminded of the weight behind this phrase. During my daughters life she has shown me countless ways that, though she did not have a choice to be strong, how strong she truly is. There’s also the continual reminder of the symbiotic relationship when it comes to how strong she has shown me that I can be, stronger than I ever thought I could be.
Today was the strongest reminder for that I’ve had in recent time. For today I watched my daughter, my sweet, independent, amazing little girl, take down a girl twice he size.
Shortly after taking the photo that I posted this morning, I noticed that at the top of where they were climbing in the bounce house there was a girl that was a little bit too rowdy. This was noticed by many of the other parents who are standing around around me, as one could tell by the bemoaning phrases being muttered underneath all of our breath.
I washed my darling little boy slid down the slide with an amazing smile, and the high-pitched laughter of a toddler having the time of his life. He then stood up and bounced over to another part of the bounce house and was gleefully hopping as happy as he could be. He was followed shortly by the girl, who had pushed other kids out of the way, and slid down rather fast. To my horror, I watched from a distance as she pushed my son down to the ground causing him to cry.
Now, I am NOT a small man. And when I speak it is not often in a meek and gentle voice. So when I proclaimed a very loud and exalted “Hey!”, some could say that the air shook with my anger. There was an intense ripple of the parents standing around me as they shuttered out of surprise of my voice. The girl turned to face me. This is when things got awesome.
My darling little girl had slid down and watched as her brother was pushed to the ground by girl twice her size, to be honest and fair she was probably close to 7 or 8 years old. Without hesitation, there was a wicked little grin, that I know all too well, that grew across her face as she took off. My daughter leaped through the air a d hit the girl squarely behind the knees, taking her down to the ground swiftly.
This brought an equally impressive “hey!” from the father standing next to me, that i came to realize was the father of the girl that my daughter had just knocked down. I looked at him, with amusement in my eyes, and said, “I think she was just protecting her little brother”. To which he chuckled and stated “I think she deserved it”.
Without missing a beat, my daughter then stood up grabbed her little brother, kissed him on the cheek and walked him over to where I was standing with the crowd of completely bewildered parents. In her wake she left a girl twice her size wallowing and wailing with crocodile tears and utter shock. As I looked around me I saw many nods and smiles. I collected my children, and did what any dad would do in the situation. As it was 35 degrees out I opted to get them both a slice of pizza as reward for what she had done.
Say what you will about the way that I am taking the situation on, but I could not be happier. In fact here I am many hours later, smiling from ear to ear as I write this.
I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind, and yes…. She be fierce.