Amplified silence is deafening.

What it was like to sleep without my family at #dad2summit

FINALLY, around midnight, I was able to make my way to myroom.  I was spent.  Buzzing with excitement, and reeling with thetons of interactions that I had just experienced.  I unpacked, and sat in silence for a while.It was in this moment that my heart missed my little ones the most. It isstrange what I now consider ‘normal’ when it comes to the nighttime sounds athome, and how much I missed them.

Not being able to hear the ‘comforting’ sounds of mychildren sleeping in the next room, not feeling my beloved bride in my arms,not hearing the “click-clack” as my dog roams the house on the hardwood floorswas unearthly.  Over the last (almost)four years I have grown so used to the presence of my daughter.  This has been amplified over the last twoyears with the addition of my son. Even on the nights where there is littlesleep to be had, at least there is the sounds.These non-existent sounds failing to resonate in my spacious room madeit difficult to sleep.  Nevertheless,when I finally fell asleep, it was some of the best sleep that I have had in(almost) four years.

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and thesilence you are no longer accustomed to can disrupt you more than the noise.


It is good to start the day off in deep thought, no?


Let’s get this party started!