Let’s get this party started!

Kid-free dads + alcohol = #dad2summit

After an amazing time flying the drones, we hurried our waythrough getting our room keys (finally) and checking in for the summit.  The moment that I was handed my name badge,it hit me.  Three long years of waitingand this was finally happening, it was real.There was no time to be kept in this moment, however, as it was time forthe party to begin.

The drinks were amazing, and much like the food, plentiful. The‘reunion’ atmosphere was in full blast.Music was playing, and everyone was going from cluster to clustermeeting everyone that they could. Being in a room with so many amazing dads is humbling,yet uplifting.  

After some time one of the co-founders, Doug French, made aspeech.  It was amazing to see how thisroom full of guys had such a profound impact on him. In turn, his words has aresonating and tone setting effect on us.We were here as a community, as friends, as a voice looking to betterthe view of dads not just on social media, but in our homes, our work placesand all around us.  We had reached 9million interactions just the night before, and that was showing we are alreadymaking some noise.  That is what we didfor the remainder of the evening, made a lot of noise.  But what can you expect from a bunch of friendsgetting the chance to meet and copious amounts of drinking to be had by all?

I AM A CRANIO DAD, I am scared out of my mind and I was notas think as you drunk I am.


Amplified silence is deafening.


Over the river and through the woods...